The XR Week Peek (2022.07.04): Big tech companies perform budget cuts, Mojo tests its smart contact lens in-eye, and more!
Today is the 4th of July, an important day for all my friends from the US! I wish all my American friends to celebrate well. I want to dedicate this newsletter article to my friend Mathew Olson, who at The Information kickstarted the “Reality Check”, a newsletter about XR which I received 3–4 times a week in my e-mail, and that was very well done. It has been one of my favorite newsletters about XR and I admit I have “stolen” sometimes some news from there. Mathew is now going on a new professional adventure and will stop curating that newsletter, and I just want to write these few lines to say how I am grateful for the good job he did in informing me and all the XR community. Good luck with your new job, Mathew! Top news of the week (Image by Niantic)The economic situation is forcing major tech companies