Dogecoin Millionaire Launches Tamagotchi-Style AR Game

Earn exclusive NFTs and Dogecoin by taking care of an AR-powered ‘Dogeagotchi’ in this location-based mobile game.

In an effort to establish what he calls a “Doge-fueled Party metaverse,” Vancouver-based Dogecoin millionaire Gary Lachance is giving away one million of his own Dogecoin, currently worth $300,000 CAD, but there’s a catch.

In order to access this digital stockpile, you’ll need to take care of your own personal ‘Dogeagotchi.’ This includes feeding it treats and taking it on healthy walks throughout the real world.

Inspired by location-based mobile AR games like Pokémon GO or Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Million Doge Disco allows you the chance to collect Lachance’s Dogecoin as well as exclusive NFTs by exploring your real-world surroundings and increasing the Loyalty Score of your Dogeagotchi. You can even collect various accessories and customize your digital companion to help set it apart from the pack. Cryptocurrency, as well as your Dogeacotchi, can be viewed in AR using your smartphone.

“We have developed a Pokemon GO style, augmented reality game that is accessible from any smartphone, powered by the BLOCKv platform,” said Gary Lachance in an official release. “One million Dogecoin and other digital NFT artifacts will be scattered across the globe. Each player will earn a Tamagotchi-style, interactive, Disco Doge NFT or ‘Dogeagotchi’ that you can dance within augmented reality, receive daily ‘Dogely’ wisdom from, and use to collect Dogecoin and other rewards.”

Image Credit: DDP Studios

The app was built on the BLOCKv platform and designed specifically for interactive NFTs called ‘Vatoms’, which are powered by a type of cryptocurrency referred to as VEE tokens.

In addition to Million Doge Disco, Lachance is also co-founder of Tom and Gary’s Decentralized Dance Party, a Vancouver-based “open-source global movement” dedicated to connecting party-goers across the world regardless of their physical location. This was the driving force behind Milion Doge Disco, the end goal being the establishment of a “Party layer’ that exists on top of the real world.

Image Credit: DDP Studios

“We will also debut a ‘Proof of Partying’ mechanism that incentivizes everyone, everywhere to dance with their Doges in order to receive Dogecoin donations from the community,” added Lachance. “We want to reinvigorate the culture of gifting that was a hallmark of the Dogecoin community in the early days of crypto.”

To learn more about this one-of-a-kind venture visit here.

Feature Image Credit: DDP Studios

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