Hope For Haiti Hosts Virtual Fundraising Event In VR This Week

Hope For Haiti is turning to VR for its latest fundraising event.This Wednesday, October 20, the charity will host a live event on both YouTube and inside a VR app with a unique spin. Built with the help of VR production studio FXG, the app allows visitors to explore a virtual version of one of the charity’s partner schools based in a rural area of the country. Get a look at the experience below. [embed]https://youtube.com/watch?v=5_-9h76KB9o&feature=oembed&showinfo=0&rel=0&modestbranding=1&iv_load_policy=3&playsinline=1&enablejsapi=1[/embed] Inside VR you’ll be able to walk around and interact with different elements as well as meet other attendees. You can see different experiences like raising a flag in the trailer, and the piece will let you go beyond the school to explore wildlife too. There will also be a live presentation from CEO, Skyler Badenoch, and an NFT art gallery based on the theme of ‘Empowering the Next Generation of Haiti’s Leaders’