Looking to find the best PlayStation VR2 games available on Sony’s new headset? Here’s out full list of the top 25 best PSVR 2 games for PS5. At launch in February 2023, PSVR 2 came running through the door with a fairly hefty library of VR games and exclusive titles. It’s only getting bigger too, with more games launching every week and many more to come. Since launch, we’ve been trying out as many PSVR 2 experiences as possible to put together our list of the best options across the entire library. Across the list, we’ve tried to represent a wide range of titles from different genres, showcasing the best picks in each and ranking all 25 games in ascending order. There’s some obvious picks and first-party exclusives you might expect to make an appearance, but there’s also a pleasant selection of hidden gems from
When we first caught glimpse of HUMANITY, it was clear it was going to be a unique experience, although the crowd simulation puzzler was long delayed past the original 2020 launch window. Now Tokyo-based design studio Tha LTD announced HUMANITY is officially coming in May.
It was pretty vague what the hell HUMANITY was all about when it was first announced in 2019, however now the studio reveals its upcoming game is a “unique blend of puzzle-solving and action-platforming,” giving you control over an ethereal Shiba Inu dog who commands a massive crowd.
Like Lemmings, you control the crowd as they jump, turn, push, float, shoot, and climb their way to the end goal. Move past obstacles, enemies, puzzles, and gain unlockable skills in the main game, and upload and try out user-built levels with the in-game Stage Creator.
Image courtesy Tha LTD, Enhance
To create its stark and unique environments, developer Tha LTD is working with creative studio Enhance—founded by Tetsuya Mizuguchi, known as the mind behind Rez and Tetris Effect: Connected—and director and visual designer Yugo Nakamura.
Tha game is considered a VR-optional experience, offering up a fairly straightforward implementation that lets you turn the game’s puzzle-filled levels around and control your Shiba Inu buddy and direct the human horde. While nothing ground-breaking, it’s nice to see VR support from the get-go.
The game is slated to release on PSVR, PSVR 2, and SteamVR headsets sometime in May. What’s more, you can now play a free demo on those platforms from now until March 6th. The demo contains 10 levels, while the full game has “90 plus”, the studio says.
In the meantime, check out the demo gameplay video overview below to learn more:
This article was originally published on roadtovr.com
PSVR 2 has been announced and is hopefully coming soon, but what about PSVR 2 games?Note: This article was originally published on January 6 and has since been updated. We’ve got a full rundown of all announced and rumored PSVR 2 games to keep track of. We’ll be keeping this list up to date, so check back often. Harnessing the power of the PS5, PSVR 2 will be capable of much more ambitious games than the original headset, which ran on the PS4. But with the device only just announced, Sony is playing its cards close to its chest when it comes to the software library. So far we have only a handful of fully announced PSVR 2 games, but there are plenty of other titles that are rumored or hinted at to talk about too. This list includes rumored PSVR 2 games and also titles that appear on both
This week’s State of Play PlayStation Showcase was a big one for PSVR 2.Sony promised a sneak peek of games for its upcoming headset and it didn’t disappoint. In case you’re catching up, here’s every PSVR 2 game announced and shown during the event. Resident Evil 4 Remake (PSVR 2 Supported Content) [embed]https://youtube.com/watch?v=-L1EuRo54pI&feature=oembed&showinfo=0&rel=0&modestbranding=1&iv_load_policy=3&playsinline=1&enablejsapi=1[/embed] Sony kicked off the show with a bang. We got our first look at the anticipated remake of Capcom’s survival horror epic, Resident Evil 4. The game will be a reimagining of the 2005 original with updated controls and new story elements. But the end of the trailer also confirmed that the game with have “PSVR 2 Supported Content”. Note that this doesn’t confirm the full game will be playable inside VR; it sounds like we might get an additional mode or something similar. Of course, you can already play the original Resident Evil 4