Marco Magnano on XR Safety Week, journalism, and the meta…

December, 6th will be the start day of XR Safety Week, an event that aims at fostering a healthy debate on some social themes surrounding XR, and at promoting safety, privacy, inclusion, and accessibility for everyone in our ecosystem. These are themes that have always been important to me, and that in my own small way, I have always tried to talk about. That’s why I will be a panelist at the event this year, and I am spreading the word about it with two posts today and tomorrow to help in making it a success. This is the program of the event, including the days and the tracks: Day 1 – Dec 6. Immersive Storytelling & JournalismDay 2 – Dec 7. Child Safety Day 3 – Dec 8. Diversity & Inclusion Day 4 – Dec 9. MedicalXR and Immersive HealthcareDay 5 – Dec 10. Privacy & Safety and Digital