Why you should use now generative AI in your metaverse company. Or maybe not

We are living the generative AI hype, with everyone getting crazy about ChatGPT. And every day I read articles about how AI can disrupt the metaverse, how ChatGPT and metaverse are the perfect match, and especially about how the fact that if your XR company doesn’t have an AI strategy, it is already old and ready to die a terrible death. I have my point of view on all of this, and I would like to tell to you. I know that now you only read ChatGPT’s opinions on everything, but for once, also listen to the meaty Tony. The incredible moment of generative AI Generative AI is incredibly cool. The moment I tried ChatGPT and saw its potential, I was literally stocked. Not only it was able to answer my questions better than the usual chatbot, but it had superpowers like: being able to speak all languages being able