How and Why Brand Engagement Is Driving XR Development

Everybody wins in the world of XR brand engagement. Brands get a unique and dynamic way to interact with customers. Customers get fun and informative ways to interact with their favorite brands. And the rest of us? The most cutting-edge advances in AR graphics and dynamic rendering that will one day build games and other apps are being developed by AR advertisers. Here, we’ll look at some of the most exciting AR brands and brand engagements. We’ll look at their advertising content and programs, but we’ll also talk about the other implications that these use cases have for AR technology in general. LBEs Location-based experiences are the future. We’re talking about going to a specific place and having that location augmented by information and assets specific to that geographic location. Brand engagement experiences and LBEs aren’t always one-to-one, as most of the examples that this article looks at can be