My (emotional) interview with Tommaso Di Bartolo, the Web3 expert who made me start my blog

Today I publish a very special article. You know that one month ago my blog made its 6th birthday and I promised some special article about it. Well, today I fulfill that promise by interviewing Tommaso Di Bartolo, serial entrepreneur, marketing expert, and mentor, who during the summer of 2016 suggested me to start a blog to promote my startup of that time, Immotionar. We never saw again after that moment, we didn’t even have a real opportunity to speak or to connect in any way. He didn’t even know what positive effect he had caused on me. I recently saw that he joined us in the metaverse field, and so I asked him to speak with him for an interview, because that day, with just two sentences, he changed my life, and I wanted just to say thank you to him. It’s also beautiful that he also joined my

How Dropp Is Building a Real-World Metaverse From Digital Twins

The social aspect of the metaverse has incredible potential to change how we live our lives. The problem is that right now, most social “metaverse” platforms are in VR – meaning that they can only change our lives while we’re wearing a headset. This creates a potential disconnect between our physical and virtual lives rather than an integration. Dropp has a different idea. .udae18bd50c1dddd0d5d4132828be5cd2 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#FFFFFF; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #E74C3C!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .udae18bd50c1dddd0d5d4132828be5cd2:active, .udae18bd50c1dddd0d5d4132828be5cd2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .udae18bd50c1dddd0d5d4132828be5cd2 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1.05; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .udae18bd50c1dddd0d5d4132828be5cd2 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:#000000; text-decoration:none;

Fitness-Focused AR Game Lets You Earn As You Burn

Fatten your wallet while losing fat. The CaloVerse is an exercise-centered ecosystem that allows you to earn real money as you shed away unwanted calories. The cardio-based metaverse is powered by blockchain technology and accessible on compatible iOS and Android devices.Players are tasked with completing a variety of exercise activities which earn them IFIT tokens, Calo Token, and various other in-game rewards. In order to generate cryptocurrency, however, you’ll need to equip a pair of NFT sneakers, each of which is designed for a different physical activity.The CaloVerse is composed of two primary components at the moment: Calo Run and Calo Indoor. Calo Run is a jogging companion that uses GPS to track your real-world movement and translate it into crypto. The latest addition, Calo Indoor, features augmented reality (AR) support for a variety of cardio-based activities, including Reflex Game, Fit the Shape, and Jumping Battle.“Stamina is required to earn FIT

Taco Bell Opens A Wedding Chapel In The Metaverse

Each wedding package includes a marriage certificate memento NFT because of course.Taco Bell is getting in on the metaverse game with the opening of the Taco Metaverse Wedding Chapel, a virtual space inside the Decentraland metaverse where select couples can pronounce their love for each other as well as fast-food tacos.While the venue may be digital, the ceremonies themselves are very real. Taco Bell is taking applications from couples interested in uniting in holy matrimony virtually. You’ll walk down the aisle, perform your first dance, and enjoy a delicious menu of food; pretty much everything you’d expect from an IRL wedding.Couples will have full control over the experience, from the style of the venue to their own attire. Speaking of attire, couples as well as guests will receive exclusive NFT wearables to commemorate the magical event. Couples also receive a freshly minted wedding certificate NFT.The entire event will be livestreamed

The metaverse enters the Gartner hype cycle (but with a 10+ years outlook)

Ten days ago, the business analysts at Gartner released their “Hype Cycle” for 2022, and inside there are references to some of the technologies that we in the immersive community care about, in particular the metaverse. Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies A small primer in case you don’t know what is the Gartner Hype Cycle. Gartner is one of the most respected business analysis companies in the world and every year it releases a graph of the disruptive innovative technologies to keep an eye on: the Hype Cycle. This graph shows what technologies may be disruptive for the short and long-term future, and so what technologies big companies should start working with because they could create opportunities for them or disrupt their own business. The graph is called the “Hype Cycle” because it puts the technologies on a curve that highlights the typical reception of a disruptive technology: At

Learn how to write an article about the metaverse in 9 minutes

Your boss has told you to write an article about the metaverse today and you don’t know how to do it? You don’t know anything about the metaverse but you want to do like all the best marketers around and write something on the web about it? Don’t worry, Tony is here for you and will give you all the advice you need to write the most impactful article about the metaverse ever. I have a structure that will make you jump ahead of all the competition. Follow me! The super start You don’t want to start your article with boring technical details that make people sleep. You have to begin with something impactful, that makes your readers interested in reading the remainder of your post. Luckily for all of us, it is full of analysts that are predicting that the metaverse will be an opportunity of trillions of dollars

The XR Week Peek (2022.08.15): NVIDIA makes many announcements at SIGGRAPH, new leaks on Apple and Pico, and more!

As you’ve read in my other article written today, this is a special day for this blog… but it is also Monday, so I won’t skip writing a new amazing roundup of AR/VR news 😉  So, wishing you a happy Ferragosto (the name of today’s holiday in Italy), I leave you to the best XR news of the week! Top news of the week (Image by NVIDIA)NVIDIA and other companies show their best at SIGGRAPH Every year the SIGGRAPH is an event where companies showcase the best technologies they have for 3D content. This year has been not an exception in this sense. Meta has let the public try its prototypes, including the Starburst headset, which thanks to its very high HDR is able to render lit scenes in a very realistic way. Many people that tried it came out impressed by it. Also, another startup showed how it is able to change the

The Ghost Howls turns 6!

Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know how I reached this point, but today my blog becomes 6 years old! The Ghost Howls started as a way to promote my startup Immotionar, and I had no idea someone could be interested in reading what I had to write. 6 years later, I’m still unsure why people read me (and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask), and I’m still unsure for how long I will be able to keep this blog alive, considering that my daily job is becoming more and more tiresome. The future is always uncertain, especially in these crazy ’20s, so I just focus on the present, and enjoy this remarkable achievement. 6 years and more than 1000 articles written. Wow… if I think about it, it is impressive. 6 years waiting for the Apple headset that is always “going to be released next year”™; 6